If you are thinking of selling your home, you may already be considering the many tasks ahead of you that come with such a decision. One of the most important will be to make your home sell-able and often it is the small things that can make the biggest difference.
In today’s blog post we share a few tips on what you can do to make your home more appealing to potential buyers.
Tips to sell your home faster
Deep clean
Start by giving your home a deep clean. Whether you will be having in person home tours or virtual ones, this is one step you can’t skip. Start up top and work your way down to the floor, making sure you get all the shelves, curtain rails and all the corners.
Remove eyesores
Try to take a look at your home with ‘fresh eyes’. Which items stand out and just don’t seem like they fit. If there are cracks or some areas that need a bit of work, make sure you do so before welcoming anyone into your home for a viewing. This will make a huge difference when they try to visualise themselves livening in that space.
There is not many things more uninviting that entering a home full of clutter. You need to showcase the very best of your home and clutter is a big no-no. Take the time to work through each room, throwing out what you don’t need and storing the items you may need later. This is where secure self storage comes in.
Sweat the small stuff
Take the time to look at the small stuff. How your cushions are laid out, creases in the carpet, how does your home smell etc. As per point 2 above, these small elements can make the difference between selling your home or not. Give them a reason to want to live there!
If you are looking to declutter your home in preparation to showcase it to potential buyers, then our secure and convenient self storage is perfect. When you have sold and need to move from one home to the next, we can also keep your household items safe during the transition. Give us a call on 0800 0852 954 or get a fast online self storage quote from our website.