While vegetable gardens are by no means new, they are gradually becoming more popular in homes and apartments around the UK. With an increased focus on climate change, people have had to take a hard look at their habits and drastically change the way they source and consume food. One of the ways that people are lowering their environmental footprint is by growing their own herbs and vegetables. This keeps the soil healthy and nutrient-rich year-round and helps to reduce the accumulation of food and plastic waste.
If you don’t have a green thumb, here are some tips for growing a vegetable garden that’ll flourish no matter the season:
1. Position is paramount: Vegetable plants need the sun to thrive. Plant your seedlings in a level and well-circulated spot that gets full sun for at least six to eight hours a day. Ensure that you also have a water source nearby so you can easily water your plants every day.
2. Plant in pairs: A lot of vegetables grow better when they are together. Known as companion planting, pairing your vegetables in compatible groups minimises pests and improves the quality of the soil. Vegetables from the cabbage family such as broccoli and kale grow well next to beets, onions and potatoes while tomatoes are crazy about carrots. Be sure to plant each seedling at least several centimetres apart so their roots have enough room.
3. Nourish your soil: If the quality of your soil is poor, your vegetables won’t stand a chance. Make sure that your soil is rich with compost and organic matter such as leaves, stones and bark. Check your soil regularly and don’t be afraid to give it more nutrients if it looks a bit dry and lifeless.
4. Water generously: Like the sun and soil, giving your plants enough water is crucial if you want your garden to flourish. While each plant is different, make sure your vegetables are getting at least three centimetres of water a week. Too much water isn’t good either. If you overwater your plants, you can promote disease or drown your plants, so make sure they’re getting the right amount of water.
5. More mulch: While some vegetables do well in the hotter, drier months, others don’t. That’s where mulch comes in. By adding a layer of mulch to your garden, you can create a natural insulator for your soil. Mulch will help your soil stay moist in the summer and warm in winter, ensuring that conditions are always just right for your vegetables to grow.
6. Give it a trim: Growing your own vegetables means that you have fresh produce whenever you need it. However, if some vegetables start to rot, they will suck vital energy from the rest of the plant and damage the rest of the health of your crops. Trim these dying bits off and place them in a compost heap to reduce waste.
7. Natural is best: Although pests are problematic, toxic pesticides are even more harmful to your plants. If you have to use pesticides, be sure to buy brands that are natural and organic so as not to damage your plant or other beneficial insects.
If you need a secure self storage unit to safely store your belongings while you create the perfect vegetable garden, then Storage King has got you covered! Contact us at 0800 0852 954 to find out more about our different size units and flexible lease agreements. You can also get a quick and easy quote online.