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Dealing with moving stress: tips to cope with moving anxiety

Posted: 24 May 2022

24 05 22 Dealing With Moving Stress Tips To Cope With Moving Anxiety Blog

Getting ready to move to a new home is generally a mixed bag of emotions. From the excitement of starting fresh in a new space to the bittersweet sadness of saying goodbye and the stress of packing up and staying organised, moving house is one of the most stressful events.  

If you are suddenly struggling with constant headaches, insomnia or find it difficult to relax, that is your body’s way of reacting to unresolved moving stress. To help you overcome the stress, we look at the top tips to cope with moving anxiety.  

Make a checklist 

A checklist might seem like common sense and something you’ve already thought of, but have you actually done it? The funny thing about clichés is that people forget they became a cliché for a reason - they work! A moving checklist creates order, keeps everyone on track, and allows you to focus on the task at hand without wasting energy mentally cataloguing every task you haven’t written down. The more detailed your checklist, the better!  

Gather your packaging material 

Once your checklist is complete, the next step is to gather your packaging material. Be sure to tick it off your moving checklist. From boxes to box tape, furniture covers, clothing bags and bubble wrap, get everything together and ready for packing. Knowing that you no longer have to run out and get those things is one less worry weighing on your mind.  

Start Early 

If you are scheduled to move in a few months, there is no reason why you can’t start boxing up your goods early. As you start to pack up your unessential items, seasonal clothes and various knick-knacks, such as books and artwork, your anxiety will ease up. Packing up lesser-used items at the beginning will also ensure that you avoid a mad-dash packing sprint at the last minute. 

Ask for help 

What are friends and family for if not to bother when you have to move? As with most things, the hardest part when packing up your home is just getting started. If you find yourself constantly putting it off, ask a friend or family to come over and help. Inviting someone over for the express purpose of packing will ensure that you finally get started.  

Pro tip: A weighty parcel of fish and chips is always an excellent bribe.  

Clear your head before moving day 

If the majority of your attention has been focused on packing, organising and keeping everyone on track, you may find yourself mentally crashing at the finish line. Moving into a new home should be a day of excitement, but it may not feel that way if you’re battling an anxiety headache. The night before the big move, do yourself a favour and clear your mind. Take time to meditate, go for a walk, a drive, or enjoy a workout - do whatever helps you recentre yourself. 

When you need extra space to securely store your household goods during a move, look no further than Storage King. With self storage facilities throughout the UK and units available in a wide variety of sizes, making room while moving house has never been simpler. If you’re uncertain of how much space you need, try our size estimator or speak to our friendly team. From personal storage solutions to quality packaging material and convenient van hire services, Storage King will help you move with ease! 

For more information, give us a call on 0800 0852 954 or get an easy quote online

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