Domestic storage planner
Domestic storage planner
When you're planning your removal and storage needs, here's a guide to making the whole domestic storage process simple:
- Pack your possessions in good quality, regular shaped storage boxes. Check out our packaging supplies for sturdy cardboard boxes.
- Choose the right box. Fill it to capacity but don't overfill it. Don't force items into large boxes as they may become too heavy and liable to collapse.
- Pack heavy items in small boxes, so that they're easy to lift. Mark as 'heavy'.
- Label or number the boxes so that you can easily retrieve specific items later. Make a list of what's in which box on your computer and keep several printouts in a safe place.
- Protect your fragile goods with bubble wrap or foam peanuts. Check out our online shop for bubble wrap.
- When boxing up china and glass, wrap in tissue paper, bubble wrap or newspaper before packing into boxes. Check out our online shop for bubble wrap.
- Clean your garden equipment before storing it, and remove the grass from the lawn mower, sort through that collection of wood and only bring essential pieces.
- Wrap table and chair legs in bubble wrap, and cover the edges before transporting and storing. Check out our online shop for bubble wrap.
- When storing clothes, use your own suitcases or our Wardrobe boxes to keep clothes from creasing. Check out our online shop for Wardrobe boxes.
- Plan your storage beforehand. Store heavy or bulky items in your storage room first to provide a solid stacking base, and then place lighter goods on top.
- When picking up items, keep your back straight and bend your knees. If stacking items high, use a ladder and get some help with holding the ladder steady and handing items up for storage.
- Dismantle flat-pack furniture, e.g. beds and stack flat against the walls.
- Do not place heavy items on sofas or mattresses, as this will put pressure on the springs.
- Make the most of the room's height by stacking regular boxes on top of each other with the contents or box number clearly visible.
- Place items you need to use frequently nearer the door, e.g. clothes, electrical items, files etc.
- Cover loose curtains, cushions and soft furnishings with plastic sheeting.
- Stack armchairs and chairs seat to seat and cover with dust sheets or paper to protect them.
- Secure and protect white goods from scratches with shrink-wrap or dust sheets during transportation and storage. Check out our online shop.
- Empty and clean refrigerators and freezers, and leave doors open during storage.
- Wrap pictures and mirrors with bubble wrap before stacking them on their end in boxes marked 'Fragile'. Check out our online shop for bubble wrap.
- Once everything is in the store room, cover the top of your goods with dust sheets.