Tools and Materials Storage

Storage Solutions For You
Do you need somewhere to store excess stock, expensive plant or equipment, marketing material and display items? You've invested a lot of time and capital in them, but you haven't got the space to keep them on your business premises. Perhaps you are upsizing, downsizing or relocating?
Then let us help you manage your storage cost-effectively when your valuable possessions can be kept safe till you need them.

A Variety of Storage Options
Whatever you need, we have the ideal storage solution with a choice of rooms from as small as a stationery cupboard (50 sq ft/4.6 sq m) right up to a room the size of two or three tennis courts (1,000 - 2,000 sq. ft.

Secure Yet Accessible
While our storage rooms keep your goods safe, you can still enjoy flexible access seven days a week. Our rooms are fully alarmed* for added protection, backed up by CCTV monitoring at all our locations.
Plus for further peace of mind, we offer you insurance that's specifically underwritten for the self-store industry.

Simple Pricing Structure
We've created a transparent pricing structure so that you know exactly what you're paying for and for how long. Whether it's days, weeks, months or years, our charges include rent, rates, service charges and security. We calculate on calendar months rather than over four weeks, so you get a few days' extra storage most months.

Lets Discuss Your Needs
If you would like to know more about our flexible storage options, contact your local store to establish exactly what you need.
* Please check on opening and access times at your local store